Read these Runecast Partner success stories
The last couple of years have been hugely influential and beneficial for our company, in no small part due to both the rapidfire development of Runecast Analyzer as a value-add for mission-critical IT environments and the growth of our Runecast Partner Network.
Because our team now consists of over 60 trailblazers (up from 20-something just two years ago) representing over 20 countries (either by home base, nationality, or ethnic origins), we are constantly evaluating what it means to be truly ‘global’ in our approach. That means, as much as possible, providing our prospects and customers with a localized experience in the form of business partners who can speak the local language(s) and know the local cultural concerns best (such as region-/country-based security standards).
We do our best to listen to our Partners, make note of the ideas we discuss together, and work together to provide tailored IT solutions for their customers' unique situations. Therefore, our Partners (and customers) are instrumental in helping us identify and prioritize new functionality for Runecast Analyzer (e.g. the Enterprise Console, Custom Profiles, region-specific security standards like BSI IT-Grundschutz and Essential 8, you name it). In fact, building Runecast Analyzer can sometimes feel to internal teams like a successful ‘group project’, and we are continuously aware of and grateful for the feedback that our team receives daily from our Partners.
In late 2019 we celebrated Runecast’s five-year anniversary and a very successful year overall, by the end of the year almost doubling the size of our team and expanding into new geographies with the help of 23 new Partners. It was time to formally establish the Runecast Partner Network (key Runecasters behind this endeavor included Emil Bobev, Lewis Gee, and Ched Smokovic) and Phase 1 was off to a great start.

Nobody knew how 2020 would test organizational agility, but the year taught us all just how much we could push ourselves – over an extended period of time – to still make an impact. In addition to a stellar development roadmap put into action (see our Runecast Analyzer Release Notes), Runecast was named a Gartner 2020 Cool Vendor in its Cool Vendors in Performance Analysis for Cloud-Native Architectures report and won awards in two major computing magazine SME categories: Best Place to Work in Digital and Cloud Security Product of the Year. Together, we not only survived an unprecedented global pandemic and its adverse effects on business but as well maintained steady growth in key business areas. And once again our Partners mattered greatly in helping us to achieve great new milestones.

In the past couple years, many new Partners have joined the Runecast Partner Network to provide greater transparency, cost savings, security, and overall value to their customers. This has resulted in an even stronger global footprint for Runecast Analyzer helping to secure and optimize mission-critical IT environments in nearly every vertical, covering nearly every aspect of human life.
We want to highlight here two Partner success stories that frequently come up in conversations that we have with other Partners and prospects.
Featured Partner Success Story 1: idicos
idicos Managing Director Dr. Michael Melter explained that idicos has been able to leverage Runecast Analyzer by presenting to its customers an ROI-positive solution that works, which in turn provides idicos additional opportunities with those clients. idicos is a two-time winner of the Runecast Partner of the Year Award, for years 2019 and 2020.
“Being able to offer Runecast helps to position idicos as a market leader that brings new technologies to help its customers, resulting in greater trust and more business.”

Featured Partner Success Story 2: FLEXdata
FLEXdata Solution Architect/Director Luke Mulcahy explained that Runecast Analyzer proactively identifies vulnerabilities before their traditional mechanisms can, and FLEXdata estimates a time savings of 60-70% in day-to-day operational best practice and security compliance for its customers. FLEXdata was the winner of the Runecast APAC Channel Partner of the Year Award for 2020.
“We have greater ability now to report back to our clients regarding proactive remediation, security posture, current exposures, and items they need to address in their own areas of responsibility[...] As the next upgrade cycle comes around, I expect a 90% savings in compatibility tracing effort. We calculate that the ROI, purely on operational hours saved alone, is 6-7 months – and that’s not counting risk mitigation, downtime avoidance, security compliance and assurance, or the extra value we now provide with reporting and auditing capabilities back to our contract stakeholders."
Read more about how FLEXdata extends Runecast Analyzer value to its customers.
See our full list of Partner Award winners by year
We aim at ‘above and beyond’ for a win-win
In order to assist our channel partners to actively increase their business, we aim to go above and beyond in a number of areas.
Our Channel Partner Managers have frequent syncs, and our Sales Engineers routinely provide technical trainings, competitive analyses, and the like. This year, Runecaster Steve Salisbury even built a new Partner Portal in Salesforce, to move toward a partner experience that is as smooth and seamless as possible. Our Marketing team also has regular updates with various channel partners to learn which approaches to messaging, content, and outreach work best in various regions – to unabashedly get the word out to more organizations with a view toward being far more proactive in their approaches. We extend our internal resources as much as we are able, to be an extension of our channel partners’ resources, because after all… ‘teamwork makes the dream work’.
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