Getting Started with Virtualization
Welcome to Runecast Academy! This is a series of technical information that you can use to go ‘from zero to hero’ in various technologies.
Welcome to Runecast Academy!
This is a series of technical information that you can use to go ‘from zero to hero’ in various technologies. In this first series, we’re going to be looking at something that is close to a lot of our hearts: virtualization.
Your hosts for this series are:
- Martin Rehula
- Ivaylo Ivanov
- Kev Johnson
- Gareth Edwards
Getting Started with Virtualization
Who is this for?
Firstly, we’re making very few assumptions in terms of experience. We might use some terminology that is new to you, but we’ll endeavor to define these as we go. You will likely know what a computer is, and maybe even a little more, but we’re not aiming to get you any specific certifications.
You might be working on a helpdesk, and wanting to learn a little more to take that next step in your career. Or you might be a seasoned IT professional who has gone deep down a specific path, and you’re looking to broaden your horizons a bit. Alternatively, you might be just getting started on your journey with technology. You might be a student, and looking at a module with some virtualization components involved.
While we’ll be covering the technology fully, we’re intentionally keeping things at a 101 level. At the end of this series, we’ll point out some ways that you can learn more and really boost your knowledge and skills.
So… who are the authors?
This series is authored by some of the awesome engineering team at Runecast. Let’s introduce ourselves!
Meet Martin Rehula
Martin is a VMware Engineer at Runecast. He started his career as a UNIX admin, but when he touched VMware ESX (way back in the v2.5 days) for the first time, he decided to stay in the virtualization realm. He has been an admin in VMware and Citrix based virtual environments with a focus on centralized management and automation at Tieto and Hella.
You might meet him roaming a city, forest, or mountains – hunting the decisive moment and point to be captured by his camera. He is occasionally in companion with the green fairy and can be found on Twitter @virt4all

Meet Ivaylo Ivanov
Ivaylo is a VMware Engineer at Runecast. His primary focus includes the complete VMware products family, networking, and automation. He is a VCIX6-DCV, VCP7-CMA, and a 5-time vExpert. You can follow him on Twitter @ivgivanov

Meet Kev Johnson
He’s @kev_johnson on the Twitters. Kev is a time-served sysadmin, technology consultant, and 5-time vExpert. Prior to joining Runecast as Systems Engineer, he was the Technical Marketing Architect for vSphere Lifecycle at VMware. Outside of work, his passions are Scottish football, cheese, craft beers, travel, and spicy foods. As you can imagine, the COVID-19 lockdown has seriously gotten in the way of most of these! You can find Kev at his blog and also as a co-host on the OpenTechCast podcast. Yes, that is his #LockdownHairdo.

Meet Gareth Edwards
Gareth has worked across multiple sectors as a sysadmin and is a massive advocate of the #vCommunity being a leader for the UKVMUG. He is a 6 times vExpert along with a vExpert Pro mentoring people into the program. Prior to his role at Runecast he was a Systems Engineer for a large eco friendly energy firm going through a digital transformation. This tied in well with his hobbies outside of work with his love for self sustainability and home automation. You can find Gareth at his blog and also as a co-host on the OpenTechCast podcast. Find him on Twitter @GarethEdwards86.